


Mazzoleni, G. (a cura di) Introduzione alla comunicazione politica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021

Mazzoleni, G. and R. Bracciale, La politica pop online. I meme e le sfide della comunicazione politica. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019.

Mazzoleni, G. (General Editor), The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, 3 volls., Wiley, 2016.

Fengler, S., G. Mazzoleni, T. Eberwein, S. Russ-Mohl, C. Porlezza, eds., Journalists and Media Accountability. An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York.: Peter Lang, 2014.

Mazzoleni, G., La comunicazione politica. Bologna: Il Mulino, 3rd edition, 2012

(Spanish edition: La Comunicación Política, Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2010)

Mazzoleni, G. and A. Sfardini, Politica Pop. Da “Porta a Porta” a l’ “Isola dei famosi”. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009.

Kelly, M., G. Mazzoleni and D. McQuail, eds. The Media in Europe. London: Sage, 2004.

Mazzoleni, G., J. Roper and C. Holtz-Bacha, The Politics of Representation: Election Campaigning and Proportional Representation (Frontiers in Political Communications). New York: Peter Lang, 2004.

Mazzoleni, G., J. Stewart, and B. Horsfield, eds., The Media and Neo-populist Movements in a Comparative Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Mazzoleni, G. Contemporary Political Communication [Interview]. Central European Journal of Communication 27 (3), 2020, 441-445 [DOI: 10.51480/1899-5101.13.3(27).8]

Mazzoleni, G. and C. Vaccari. 20 Years of Political Communication Scholarship: Accomplishments, Changes, and Challenges. Comunicazione Politica, 21, 1, 2020, 5-19. [doi: 10.3270/96419]

Mazzoleni, G. The Conventional Campaign of an Extraordinary Election. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 23 (4), 2018 []

Mazzoleni, G. and R. Bracciale. Socially Mediated Populism: The Communicative Strategies of Political Leaders on Facebook. Palgrave Communications 50 (4), 2018]

Mazzoleni, G. Changes in Contemporary Communication Ecosystems Ask for a “New Look” at the Concept of Mediatisation. Javnost – The Public 24 (2), 2017, 136-145.

Aalberg, T., S. Papathanassopoulos, S. Soroka, J. Curran, K. Hayashi, S. Iyengar, P. K. Jones, G. Mazzoleni, H. Rojas, D. Rowe, and R. Tiffen. International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge. A comparative study of foreign news coverage and public opinion in 11 countries. Journalism Studies 14 (3), 2013, 387-406.

Mazzoleni, G., P. Moy and H. Rojas. On the Dichotomies of Political Communication. International Journal of Communication, 6, 2012, 241-246.

Soroka, S., B. Andrew, T. Aalberg, S. Iyengar, J. Curran, S. Coen, K. Hayashi, P. Jones, G. Mazzoleni, J. W. Rhee, D. Rowe and R. Tiffen. Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasters and Current Affairs Knowledge. British Journal of Political Science, 2012, 1-21. []

Mazzoleni, G. La comunicazione politica: stato dell’arte e nuove prospettive. Comunicazione Politica, 10 (1), 2009, 5-10.

Mazzoleni, G. Media e populismo: un ambiguo connubio. Comunicazione Politica, 4 (2), 2003, 133-139.

Mazzoleni, G. Medienpluralismus in Italien zwischen Politik und Marktwettbewerb. Media Perspektiven, 11, 2003, 517-529.

Mazzoleni, G. A Return to Civic and Political Engagement Prompted by Personalized Political Leadership? Political Communication, 17 (4), 2000, 325-328. []

Mazzoleni, G. The Italian broadcasting system between politics and the market. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 5 (2), 2000, 157-168.

Mazzoleni, G. and W. Schulz. Mediatization of Politics: A Challenge for Democracy? Political Communication, 16 (3), 1999. 247-261.

Mazzoleni, G. Towards a Videocracy? Italian political communication at a turning point. European Journal of Communication, 10 (3), 1995, 291-319.

Mazzoleni, G. Emergence of the Candidate and Political Marketing: Television and Election Campaigns in Italy in the 1980s. Political Communication and Persuasion, VIII, 1991, 201-212.

Mazzoleni, G. Media Logic and Party Logic in Campaign Coverage: The Italian Election of 1983. European Journal of Communication, 2 (2), 1987, 81-103.

Book Chapters, Articles in Edited Volumes, Handbooks

– Mazzoleni G. and R. Bracciale, The Italian Prime Minister as a Captain in the Storm: The Pandemic as an Opportunity to Build a Personalized Political Leadership. In P. Van Aelst & J. Blumler, eds., Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus. New York: Routledge, 2022, 65-79.

– Mazzoleni, G. and C. Cepernich, Political Communication. In D. Berg-Schlosser, B. Badie & L. Morlino, eds., The SAGE Handbook of Political Science. London: Sage, 2020, 602-616. DOI:

– Xenos, M. A., Moy, P., Mazzoleni, G., & Mueller-Herbst, J. Political entertainment in comparative perspective: Exploring the applicability of the gateway hypothesis across media systems. In A. B. Becker & J. C. Baumgartner, eds., Laughing (Still) Matters: The Next Generation of Political Humor Research. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

– Mazzoleni, G.  Mediatization and Political Populism. In F. Esser and J. Strömbäck, (Eds.).  Mediatization of Politics: Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 42-56.

– Mazzoleni, G. and D. Campus. Comunicazione politica. In G. Pasquino, M. Regalia, M. Valbruzzi, eds., Quarant’anni di scienza politica in Italia. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013, 65-76.

– Mazzoleni, G. and S. Splendore. “Cultures of accountability” – or global trends in media accountability? The Hallin and Mancini model revisited.  In S. Fengler, G. Mazzoleni, T. Eberwein, S. Russ-Mohl, C. Porlezza, eds., Journalists and Media Accountability. An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York: Peter Lang, 2013, 167-180.

– Fengler, S., G. Mazzoleni, T. Eberwein, S. Russ-Mohl, C. Porlezza. Perspectives for Newsrooms, Policy-Makers and Journalism Educators”.  In S. Fengler, G. Mazzoleni, T. Eberwein, S. Russ-Mohl, C. Porlezza, eds., Journalists and Media Accountability. An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York: Peter Lang, 2013, 265-288.

– Mazzoleni, G. and S. Splendore. Italy: Discovering Media Accountability Culture.  In T. Eberwein, S. Fengler, E. Lauk, T. Leppik-Bork, eds., Mapping Media Accountability – in Europe and Beyond, Köln: H. von Halem, 2011, 90-100.

– Mazzoleni, G. Electronic Media. In the Encyclopedia of Political Science, B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser, L. Morlino, eds., Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2011.

Mazzoleni G. and F. Colombo. Which Governance for the European Audiovisual Landscape? A Multidimensional Perspective. In B. Klimkiewicz, ed., Media Freedom and Pluralism. Media Policy Challenges in the Enlarged Europe, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2010.

– Mazzoleni, G. and S. Splendore. Italian foreign correspondents: fashioning representations of France.  In M. Palmer and A. Aubert, eds., L’information mondialisée, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008. 142-152.

– Mazzoleni, G. Come è nata la sociologia della comunicazione di massa. Foreword to the Italian edition of the volume by Paddy Scannell Media e comunicazione, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008, 9-14.

– Mazzoleni, G.   6 Entries in the International Encyclopedia of Communication, edited by W. Donsbach, Malden, MA: Wiley, 2008: 

  • “Italy: Media System” (pp. 2547-2551),
  • “Media Logic” (pp. 2930-2932),
  • “Mediatization of Politics” (pp. 3047-3051),
  • “Mediatization of Society” (pp. 3052-3055),
  • “Mediated Populism” (pp. 3031-3033),
  • “Mediated Terrorism” (pp. 3038-3040).

– Mazzoleni, G.  3 Entries in the Encyclopedia of Political Communication, edited by L. L. Kaid and C. Holtz-Bacha, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008: 

  • “Silvio Berlusconi” (pp. 54-55),
  • “Media Logic” (pp. 445-446),
  • “Mediatization” (pp. 447-448).

– Mazzoleni, G.  Populism and the media. In D. Albertazzi, & D. McDonnell, eds., Twenty-first century populism – The spectre of Western European democracy.  London: Palgrave, 2008, 49-64.

– Mazzoleni, G.  Tra vecchi e nuovi media, Foreword to the 5th Italian edition of the volume by Denis McQuail Sociologia dei Media, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007, 11-15.

– Mazzoleni, G.  TV Political Advertising in Italy. When Politicians Are Afraid. In L. Kaid and C. Holtz-Bacha, eds., The Sage Handbook of Political Advertising. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2007, 241-257.

– Mazzoleni, G. The Concept of Media Populism. In F. Marcinkowski, W.A. Meier, J. Trappel, eds., Medien und Demokratie.  Bern: Haupt, 2007, 183-192.

– Mazzoleni, G. and G. Vigevani. Italy. In Television across Europe.  Budapest:  Open Society Institute, 2005, 189-280.