About me

I served as Professor of Sociology of Communication and of Political Communication from 2002 to 2016 at the University of Milan.

Previously I taught, as Associate Professor, at the Universities of Salerno (1988-1997) and Genoa (1997-2001).

Before being appointed Associate Professor I spent about ten years (1977-1988) as post-doc and lecturer at the Universities of Rome-La Sapienza and then Milan.

I also taught courses of Political Communication, as invited Visiting Professor, at the Universities of Southern Queensland (1998), Innsbruck (2000), George Mason (2006), Freie Universität Berlin (2011), Toulouse (2015).

I served as President of the Italian Association of Political Communication from 2014 until 2019.

Research Interests

My research interests focus mainly on the role of media in society, with a very special focus on how mediated communications affect politics and political dynamics, in a comparative perspective. In the early years of my research activity I found inspiration in the works of and in the personal interaction with leading scholars in these fields such as Denis McQuail and Jay G. Blumler, whom I consider my virtual mentors.

My Scholarly Engagement

My scholarly ‘engagement’ has been largely in International networks. Here are some of my ‘commitments’:

If you wish to know more about my scholarly career, you can find me on:

Google Scholar



Or just look into my CV


My ORCID:  0000-0001-7852-1322